Saturday, September 13, 2014

Teaching & More Rain

This week was pretty good. We are finding and teaching a little bit more each week. 
At the beginning of last transfer we were getting about 2 investigator lessons per week, 
and last week we got 10. So things are going a lot better. We had 7 tell us they would
 go to church on sunday, but only 3 showed up, but that is still pretty good. 

One of our investigators is doing well, but he isn't married so that is a big obstacle, 
and an expensive obstacle. Another is ready he just doesn't feel he has enough desire 
but he finally decided on the 28th, and I am pretty sure that is a solid date. We were 
hoping for three for sept but we will probably only get him, but we are doing good. 
Another investigator couple weren't able to come,  but we are still working on them. 
We brought some good member help last time and I think it helped. They still really 
aren't praying or reading, but I am not giving up. 

So this week we started meeting with a previous investigator again. He is cool and I 
always feel the spirit in his lessons.  I feel like he is an honest seeker of truth. His only 
problem that is dad is a fortune teller and I it seems that he never guesses wrong. So a 
little bit of the only one God problem but he is definitaly developing faith.  Yesterday he 
wasn't able to go to church because he is selling his moto, but I think next week he'll 
make it. Another is good, super busy but he is very honest in heart, and I know that he 
has felt the spirit. (he is the guy that had the dream) We met him again this week. 

So on Thursday it poured buckets!  It was one of the biggest storms ever. And yes mom 
it does flood very often, the drainage systems here are pretty garbage so some streets 
flood only after a little rain. The road in front of our house is super garbage--it is almost 
always flooded. It's flooded even on days it doesn't rain, because it just takes forever to 
drain. But it is cool biking through a flooded street. And yes it is now rainy season.

We went to a recent convert's house and he wasn't there, so we were just chillin there 
waiting for him and we started talking to his neighbor who is about 18ish (while it was 
raining). Sometimes I start speaking English to students because they like practicing 
English and it is a good ice breaker. And eventually I invited him to learn again, he said 
yes and we scheduled on Saturday on 2. We go back and he wasn't there, so that was 
sad. Then we went back to the recent convert's house, and again he wasn't there so we 
started contacting  his other neighbor. She wasn't really interested and while she was 
telling us that she was too busy to learn blah blah blah, out good friend (the recent convert)
came out smiling and beckoned us, like "come on". I immediately said goodbye 
to the uninterested lady and went and taught him. Maybe this doesn't seem super cool, 
but for someone to actually come and beckon us to learn is a awesome thing. And then 
after the lesson about Joseph Smith, he was like, "Well I want to be answered in a 
dream". We explained that is doesn't always work like that and taught him more about the Holy Ghost and he said, "Well, then I want you to come back every week and teach me." We are excited to to that. He took Lesson 1 really well.

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